

In 1999 I bought a Chevy S-10 pickup.  When I drove it off the showroom floor, I announced to anyone who cared to listen that I would drive that truck until the doors rusted off the frame.  We are nearly there.  I had my mechanic look at the driver’s side door last week.  The hinges are rusting off.  Steve told me I had to treat the door very gently, or it would fall off.  Hooray, right?

It is a bit of an odd coincidence that my truck mileage and my word count on this blog are both nearing 250,000.  That is a big number.  Is one more impressive than the other?  Should I be more impressed with the mileage or the keystrokes?  I imagine the word count is probably more substantial when compared to how many sets of tires I have had to buy.

My truck is still running well.  I drive it nearly every day.  I hope it will be the last vehicle I will need to buy.

I look forward to a future where I will not need a truck.  I would be happy to jump on a train when I need to go somewhere.  Public transportation might not be readily available here in Hillbilly Land, but it is ubiquitous in other non-hillbilly areas.

My truck is not in the best shape.  It still runs great, but the snow belt winters have taken their toll on the body.  It, like me, has seen better days.  But it, like me, is still chugging along.  It has been a great truck.

The numbers will diverge; I will write more words than driving miles.  I can type thousands a day and don’t travel great distances anymore.  So, it is purely a historical accident that those numbers are about the same now.  Also, I do not include the millions of words I have written that are queued up to be posted.

Well, here it is in all its glory.  We can all take this picture as proof that entropy is alive and taking names in Hillbilly Land.


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