A Few Choice Words

A Few Choice Words

The other day, Sen. Martha McSally (R-AZ) went on television to put the smackdown on young people who are not practicing social distancing.  She made the point that “asymmetric” people are spreaders of COVID-19, the virus that is doing so much damage worldwide.  It is clear she meant to say “asymptomatic.”  She made a reasonable mistake, she simply misspoke.  There isn’t much of a story there.

I am banging on my keyboard because Sen. McSally’s misstep reminded me of something that happened a few years ago.  It is one thing to misplace one word with another when speaking; it is quite another when the mistake is made in print.  Consider this:

In June of 2015, the East Oregonian, an otherwise fine newspaper, published THAT headline about ambidextrous pitcher Pat Venditte.  I saw it then, and I am still laughing about it now.  I am glad the editors were overworked on that day.

I don’t have a lot more to say about this other than I never thought I would encounter an amphibious human, let alone one who is a major league pitcher.  As for Venditte, the last I heard, he lost a tough outing.  He was outdueled, outclassed, and outpitched by Aquaman.

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