Colin Powell

Colin Powell

I have long admired Colin Powell. I always wanted him to run for President of the United States. I wasn’t too concerned about his stance on specific issues; I knew he was a measured, intelligent man of great integrity, and that was enough for me. I was surprised and saddened to hear that he has passed away due to complications from Covid-19.

In June of 1993, Powell gave the keynote commencement speech at Harvard’s graduation ceremony. I don’t remember much about his address; I do remember the number of people who stood with their backs to him as he talked. The protesters held on to pink balloons to protest the military’s “Don’t ask, Don’t Tell” policy. The protesters did not shout him down; they let him speak. They got their message across without ruining the proceedings for everyone else. All the graduates and their guests appreciated that.

This post is not about Powell’s speech or the protesters. As I sat in my folding chair, in my academic regalia, surrounded by people getting all types of different degrees, I looked over the people on the dais. Many were there to get honorary degrees; some were there to speak. I saw General Powell talking to a woman sitting to his right. The next time I looked up, they were still talking. So it went during the entire ceremony. It took me a few moments to figure out who that woman was. I looked down at my program and realized who the mystery woman was. She was there to get a well-deserved honorary doctorate.

One thing that I love about Harvard is that it brings together people of such varying backgrounds. I never would have imagined that Colin Powell and this mystery woman would be able to hold a conversation and enjoy each other’s company for hours. It surprised me.

After I thought about it for a bit, I realized they would have lots to talk about. After all, we all like to eat, don’t we? Who is the mystery woman? I found a picture of them together at the graduation ceremony. Get ready to smile as you take a look at two buddies, General Colin Powell and Julia Child, taking in the festivities.

As I recall, they both looked like that every time I glanced up at the stage. June 10th, 1993, was quite a day. I will never forget watching the two of them interact during the ceremony. I hope they were swapping recipes; at least in my mind, that is precisely what they were doing.


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